Sunday, November 6, 2011

When the clock ticked midnight

Its been almost a month since i turnd 21.I should have uploaded this article a long time ago! I cant help but reminiscence things that happened when i turned 20,good or bad!too many bad things happend on the eve of my birthday last year. My current boyfriend was in bed with another woman(just sleeping btw)and i guess the realisations afterwards began my stuck on stupid moments.i have done a million things that i look back and regret,things am so ashamed of!i have gone back to an ex(worst mistake ever)exes never work issues will always be the same!i have drank myself stupid!smoked up some really bad ass shyiet!in that period i created the most embarassing moments of my lyf!memories i laugh to myself all alone!and all this was commenced by what happend when the clock ticked midnight on many things have changed since!i have ruined my reputation,lost faith in the sanctity of relationships but in all this i have learnt one thing i write my own destiny!iam whom i make myself to become. And today as i write this blog,i want my 21 year to be different, 1 month down the line has got me thinking how different is it from the past!i tried replaying an episode of my 20 by making another mistake,learning point. Am rekindling broken relationships!wassup mum!this has been hard but i believe we getting there.i shed a few tears when the clock ticked midnight a month ago!i was happy to be 21 the hell i was ecstatic that despite the mistakes of my 20 God was still faithful to see me through another year!realising the past is not my potential am chosing to liberate my future!hello 21 am loving this!!!

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